List of MeSH codes (C22)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "C" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
- 1 MeSH C22 --- animal diseases
- 1.1 MeSH C22.021 --- abortion, veterinary
- 1.2 MeSH C22.039 --- actinobacillosis
- 1.3 MeSH C22.062 --- aleutian mink disease
- 1.4 MeSH C22.073 --- anal gland neoplasms
- 1.5 MeSH C22.085 --- anaplasmosis
- 1.6 MeSH C22.131 --- bird diseases
- 1.7 MeSH C22.152 --- borna disease
- 1.8 MeSH C22.180 --- cat diseases
- 1.9 MeSH C22.196 --- cattle diseases
- 1.10 MeSH C22.232 --- disease models, animal
- 1.11 MeSH C22.268 --- dog diseases
- 1.12 MeSH C22.313 --- enterotoxemia
- 1.13 MeSH C22.331 --- erysipelothrix infections
- 1.14 MeSH C22.362 --- fish diseases
- 1.15 MeSH C22.380 --- foot-and-mouth disease
- 1.16 MeSH C22.394 --- foot rot
- 1.17 MeSH C22.405 --- goat diseases
- 1.18 MeSH C22.434 --- heartwater disease
- 1.19 MeSH C22.467 --- hepatitis, animal
- 1.20 MeSH C22.488 --- horse diseases
- 1.21 MeSH C22.500 --- keratoconjunctivitis, infectious
- 1.22 MeSH C22.510 --- lameness, animal
- 1.23 MeSH C22.520 --- mammary neoplasms, animal
- 1.24 MeSH C22.595 --- muscular dystrophy, animal
- 1.25 MeSH C22.627 --- myxomatosis, infectious
- 1.26 MeSH C22.674 --- parasitic diseases, animal
- 1.27 MeSH C22.688 --- paratuberculosis
- 1.28 MeSH C22.695 --- parturient paresis
- 1.29 MeSH C22.706 --- peste-des-petits-ruminants
- 1.30 MeSH C22.717 --- pleuropneumonia, contagious
- 1.31 MeSH C22.735 --- primate diseases
- 1.32 MeSH C22.742 --- pseudorabies
- 1.33 MeSH C22.780 --- rinderpest
- 1.34 MeSH C22.795 --- rodent diseases
- 1.35 MeSH C22.812 --- salmonella infections, animal
- 1.36 MeSH C22.836 --- sheep diseases
- 1.37 MeSH C22.880 --- steatitis
- 1.38 MeSH C22.905 --- swine diseases
- 1.39 MeSH C22.950 --- venereal tumors, veterinary
- 1.40 MeSH C22.955 --- wasting disease, chronic
MeSH C22.021 --- abortion, veterinary
- MeSH C22.196.090 --- bovine respiratory disease complex
- MeSH C22.196.090.600 --- pasteurellosis, pneumonic
- MeSH C22.196.090.660 --- pneumonia, atypical interstitial, of cattle
- MeSH C22.196.090.675 --- pneumonia of calves, enzootic
- MeSH C22.196.106 --- bovine virus diarrhea-mucosal disease
- MeSH C22.196.148 --- brucellosis, bovine
- MeSH C22.196.250 --- encephalopathy, bovine spongiform
- MeSH C22.196.260 --- enzootic bovine leukosis
- MeSH C22.196.274 --- ephemeral fever
- MeSH C22.196.339 --- freemartinism
- MeSH C22.196.400 --- hemorrhagic syndrome, bovine
- MeSH C22.196.429 --- infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
- MeSH C22.196.497 --- lumpy skin disease
- MeSH C22.196.540 --- malignant catarrh
- MeSH C22.196.581 --- mastitis, bovine
- MeSH C22.196.831 --- theileriasis
- MeSH C22.196.888 --- trypanosomiasis, bovine
- MeSH C22.196.927 --- tuberculosis, bovine
- MeSH C22.196.963 --- white heifer disease
MeSH C22.232 --- disease models, animal
MeSH C22.434 --- heartwater disease
MeSH C22.467 --- hepatitis, animal
MeSH C22.595 --- muscular dystrophy, animal
MeSH C22.674 --- parasitic diseases, animal
MeSH C22.812 --- salmonella infections, animal